out of мiŋd: I'm Belieber now xD

Dec 5, 2012

I'm Belieber now xD

他出道时,没这么喜欢他。可是,现在很迷他哟!  他才18岁,在Twitter上就有了31亿的粉丝哦。自从在2012全美音乐奖中狂扫3项大奖,身价差不多有马币300+亿哦。Wow! 他不只有钱,帅气还很红呢!! 掌声掌声!



至于迷上他还得归功于他的Youtube VEVO放出 Beauty And A Beat ft. Nicki Minaj 的MV.自拍的方式,很赞!!

在As Long As You Love Me, 他整个给我的感觉就是好帅,加油↖(^ω^)↗ 虽然歌可以算是很久了,可是我还是很喜欢听..时常听的说。

前阵子,报导还是电台都又在说他和Selena Gomez 分手的事。过后又有不懂是谁的知情人士说,他和Selena Gomez 没分手,在American Music Awards 后看见Justin Bieber 和Selena Gomez在一起,之后Justin Bieber 还在Selena Gomez 家过了一夜,并附上朦朦的照片呢(从远处拍)。不管怎样,Justin Bieber 幸福就好。对于他们,就不要再给太多评价了。
看了Justin Bieber 上 Oprah 的脱口秀节目,他告诉Oprah关于他对Selena Gomez的看法:
'I am all about genuine people, and I feel like she’s just one of the most genuine people. She just has a good heart. And I can talk to her about anything. ' 我是一个正品的人,我感觉她只是一个最正品的人。她拥有好的心肠。还有我可以告诉她任何事情。

Candid: Justin Bieber discussed his love for girlfriend Selena Gomez in an interview with Oprah Winfrey, which aired on the OWN channel on Sunday night

因为承认她是他的女友,所以Justin Bieber 会确保Selena Gomez 还是在他的身边,即使有狗仔队跟拍(就是不会抛下她的那种'I never make her separate from me because I don't ever want her to feel like I'm ashamed with her. If we get away, we're getting away together, at least.' Justin Bieber 不要让Selena Gomez 觉得他因为她而丢脸。(好男人呀!!❤)

他也承认,他无法抵挡在公众场合对Selena Gomez流露出感情。他还透露了他做过最浪漫的事情就是在Staple Centre 为她准备了一顿很浪漫的晚餐还有一个可以观看Titanic的大屏幕。(Aww...so sweet ❤.❤)

但是,最初Selena Gomez 收到Justin 的粉丝的死亡恐吓,他不得不重新认真考虑公开关系。'I'm always thoughtful about my fans. People will say means things but I need to be happy. I can't be single my own life. If I can be with everybody, with all of the fans I could!' 他时常体贴他的粉丝们。人们会说不好的话,但他必须快乐。他不能自己一个人生活,如果他能与大家一起,与所有的粉丝,他可以! 

Justin Bieber 说他计划要在25岁结婚。Oprah 听了后马上敦促他重新考虑。'I think 25 's too young' Oprah 认为25岁太年轻了(又一个-.- 你不给人家喜欢20多岁结婚啊?!)'You're Oprah and you're telling me not to get married at 25. I should probably listen to you. We'll see when I get there but I'm not there yet." Justin回应Oprah 道:你是Oprah 还有你叫我不要在25岁结婚。我应该听你的。我们到时才看吧,我现在都还没到那个年龄。

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On my own: Justin admitted to feeling lonely at times, despite his superstardom

他承认他想要少数的孩子,虽然还没准备好要当爸爸。这位偶像,甚至是他有时也会感到孤独。'You just feel sometimes you need someone to be there with you. Some days you’ve gone through, you have pain in your heart because maybe you haven’t dealt with that. Some days you’re depressed and you don’t know why because you haven’t dealt with it.' Justin Bieber 说:“有时,你只是觉得你需要有人与你同在。你经历过的一些日子,你会心痛那是因为可能你没处理掉它。有些日子你感到沮丧,你不知道为什么因为你还没有没处理它。

Excited: Oprah declared the chat was her 'biggest interview since Michael Jackson in 1993

Oprah 显然很兴奋能和这位歌星坐下聊天,她称之为'My biggest interview since Michael Jackson in 1993.' 自1993年访问Michael Jackson ,我最大的访问”

Oprah 又问他: 'When was the last time you could go to a restaurant without being bothered?' 几时是你最好一次去餐馆无困扰的用餐? 'We definitely have a lot of people getting up and asking for pictures while eating. But it's probably been about a year and a half since I could go to a restaurant where no-one's bothered me.I just want to go eat my favourite food whatever that may be ' 他回答:我们用餐时,肯定会有很多人向前来要求拍照。但是那应该差不多有1年半了,因为我能去一间没有人打扰我的餐馆。无论怎样,我只是想去吃我喜欢的东西。他对食物的口味趋向保守的TGI Friday还有牛排晚餐,他也承认道他会在所有的关注中脚踏实地。

Justin 还说了蛮惊人的东西,那就是'I really don’t have a lot of friends. I have three close friends.' 他真的没有很多朋友,他只有3个知心朋友。Justin 也说了'I try to be as normal as I can with the abnormal life that I have. It's definitely not normal and there’s so many sacrifices that I’ve had to do, but at the end of the day, I’ve been able to do so much, that I would have never been able to do. ' 我尝试去正常化我不正常的生活。这是绝对不正常的,有这么多的牺牲,我不得不这样做,但在一天结束的时候,我已经能够做这么多,我从来没有能够做到的。

Justin又说:'Travel. I'd never been on a plane before this - I've never been out of Canada.' 比如旅行,在这之前,我从来没有踏上飞机过,我没有离开过加拿大。
Opprah 又和Justin 聊起之前Mariah Yester 虚称Justin是她的孩子的父亲(就是指Justin搞大她的肚子)。Justin 回应:'I know, that's crazy. So many stories.'我知道,那很疯狂。好多事情。他还承认了他决定要和Mariah Yester的宝宝做亲子鉴定。'Because I didn't want it to go on any longer, I saw that no-one was believing it. and then I felt better.' 因为他不想要那件事情拖太久,他看见没人相信那件事是真的,他感觉好多了。

他们的聊天也概况了Justin的事业的起点,就是Justin现在的经理,Scooter Braun 在Youtube上挖掘他,并把他介绍给Usher, 以签下Usher的唱片公司。Scooter Braun 说:'I kind of became obsessed with him.' 我有一点热衷于Justin. 

Justin 也说:'Being a teen heartthrob is fun and I love the screams - that's not a bad thing. But I want it to be about my music. I want people to respect my music. It's not about people putting someone with a nice smile and good hair on TV.' 成为一个十几岁的偶像很好玩和我爱尖叫声。这不是一件不好的事情。但是我要让它成为我的音乐。我要人们能够尊重我的音乐。这不是人们随便摆一些有好的笑容和好的发型的人在电视上。

Dance magic: Justin put in an energetic performance while his interview with Oprah aired on OWN

'I want people to see me and not just hate on me just because other people hate on me.' Justin希望人们见到他和不只是因为其他人恨他,也跟着恨他。他也承认道有一些人在等着他搞砸这一切,因为有很多少年明星搞砸了。(他们犯了有关于毒品和酒精的错误)(好可恶,这些hater!!,竟然这样看咱家的Justin,Justin Bieber才不会像那些搞砸了的明星,好吗?)

Oprah 又问:'So what stops you from being a crack up?'  所以,是什么阻止你变崩溃? Justin 回答:'Just remembering what's important. I have to remember to take time for myself to talk to people about what I'm going through about what's in my head.'记得什么是重要的。我必须记住,和为自己花时间去和别人说说我正在经历的东西,和我头在想的东西。

Oprah 还带了Justin 去shopping, 买东西送给他的弟弟,Jackson和妹妹Jazzy. 

Oprah 建议他送一条裙子给Jazzy.

Shop til we drop: Oprah helped Justin shop for a dress for his four-year-old half sister Jazzy

(好幸福啊! 羡慕! 如果我是Justin 的妹妹,那该有多好啊! 够了! 停止幻想吧!)

Generous: Justin listened to Oprah's fashion advice when it came to selecting clothes for his siblings

想看Video 的话,不妨点击下面的Video。里面有全部Oprah 访问Justin Bieber的过程。

结论: I love Justin Bieber..Woohoo...